
Charter of Corporate Behavior

We aim to contribute to enriching the daily lives of people not only in Japan but around the globe, in order to enable as many customers as possible to enjoy delicious food in comfortable spaces with pleasant service, and at affordable prices. We have established the following charter to comply with all laws, international rules and their spirit, both in Japan and overseas, and to act with common sense as recognized by society.

1. Safety Assurance

We will always provide delicious products that have been safely processed and cooked in accordance with food hygiene standards, with safe ingredients. In doing so, we will give due consideration to the protection of personal information and customer information.

2. Appropriate Transactions and Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with all laws and rules, respect their spirit, and engage in fair and free competition and appropriate transactions.

3. Disclosure of Management Information

We will communicate not only with shareholders but also with society as a whole, and disclose corporate information in a fair and proactive manner.

4. Contribution to Local Communities

As a good corporate citizen, we will engage in social and cultural contribution activities, make care and consideration for the global environment a priority issue, and voluntarily and proactively address environmental issues.

5. Anti-Discrimination and Respect for Human Rights 

We will seek to create safe and worker-friendly working environment, helping our employees to enjoy comfortable and enriched lifestyles. We also respect our employees’ unique personalities and individuality.

6. Severance of Relations with Antisocial Forces

We will resolutely refuse relationships with antisocial forces and groups that threaten the order and safety of civil society.

7. Contributing to International Society

We will respect the cultures and customs of overseas countries and engage in management that contributes to the development of local communities.

8. Responsibilities of Officers and Executives

Officers and employees should recognize that it is their role to actualize the spirit of this Charter, and strive for management guidance and internal development / improvement based on the principle of leading by example. In the event where this Charter is violated, we will clarify responsibilities, including our own, work thoroughly to investigate the causes and prevent recurrences.