
Non-Financial Disclosures

ESG Data Book

Scope of data: Listed in ESG Data Book



Environmental Policy
Decarbonization policy
Food Loss Reduction Policy
De-plasticization Policy
Biodiversity Policy


Category Item Unit FY12/2021 FY12/2022 FY12/2023
GHG emissions: Scope 1【Consolidated】 Scope 1 t-CO₂ 100,343 106,248 ★103,984
Scope 1 intensity   t-CO₂/
million yen
0.38 0.35 0.29
GHG emissions: Scope 2【Consolidated】 Scope 2(location-based) t-CO₂ 219,626 229,030 224,781
Scope 2(market-based) t-CO₂ 202,764 204,444 ★212,659
Scope 2 intensity(market-based) t-CO₂/
million yen
0.77 0.67 0.60
GHG emissions: Scope 3【Consolidated】 Scope 3 t-CO₂ 718,942 783,620 827,450
Scope 3 intensity t-CO₂/
million yen
2.72 2.58 2.33
1.Purchased products and services t-CO₂ 540,500 593,241 ★638,860
2.Capital goods t-CO₂ 43,411 51,785 48,841
3.Fuel and energy activities not included in t-CO₂ 56,547 60,483 61,123
4.Transportation, delivery (upstream) t-CO₂ 42,658 43,568 46,411
5.Waste from business operations t-CO₂ 6,281 6,642 5,280
6.Business trip t-CO₂ 774 647 741
7.Employer's commute t-CO₂ 22,822 21,768 21,739
8.Leased assets (upstream) t-CO₂ Not applicable
9.Transportation, delivery (downstream) t-CO₂ Not applicable
10.Processing of sold products t-CO₂ Not applicable
11.Use of products sold t-CO₂ Not applicable
12.Disposal of sold products t-CO₂ 2,610 2,202 1,199
13.Leased assets (downstream) t-CO₂ Not applicable
14.Franchise t-CO₂ 2,998 3,284 3,256
15.Investment t-CO₂ Not applicable
GHG emissions: Total【Consolidated】 Total of Scope 1 and 2(Market basis) t-CO₂ 303,107 310,692 316,644
Intensity of Scope 1 and 2(Market basis) t-CO₂/
million yen
1.15 1.02 0.89
Total of Scope 1, 2 and 3(Market basis) t-CO₂ 1,022,049 1,094,312 1,144,093
Intensity of Scope 1, 2 and 3(Market basis) t-CO₂/
million yen
3.86 3.60 3.21
Energy consumption【Consolidated】 Amount used K kwh 950,945 1,011,525 ★1,019,501
  Non-renewable energy use K kwh 950,945 1,011,064 1,018,999
  Renewable energy usage K kwh 461 502
  Renewable energy ratio 0.05 0.05
Amount used Crude oil equivalent kl 166,957 178,608 ★176,853
Intensity kl/
million yen
0.63 0.59 0.50
Electricity consumption【Consolidated】 Amount used K kwh 478,445 515,100 516,847
Intensity K kwh/
million yen
1.81 1.70 1.46

※GHG emissions are calculated in accordance with the various standards of the GHG Protocol.
★is a third-party verification item (verified for the relevant fiscal year by the Japan Management Association (JMA), an external third-party). 

Preservation of Water Resources

Category Item Unit FY12/2021 FY12/2022 FY12/2023
Water intake【Consolidated】 Total water intake 5,806,070 6,183,233 6,252,285
 Surface water intake 5,524,201 5,879,120 5,976,865
 Underground water intake 281,870 304,114 275,420
Intensity t/
million yen
21.95 20.36 17.62
Water discharge【Consolidated】 Total water discharge 5,675,980 6,068,144 6,127,238
 Sewer discharge 5,143,104 5,514,065 5,538,217
 River discharge 532,876 554,079 589,022

Reduction of Food Loss/Waste

Category Item Unit FY12/2021 FY12/2022 FY12/2023
Food waste
【Domestic Group】
Food waste generated 26,076 26,959 26,738
Food waste recycled 7,916 8,865 8,045
Food waste 17,156 16,919 18,554
Per-unit food waste kg/
million yen
66.69 57.88 51.42
Percentage of food waste recycled 37.9 44.9 48.9
Non-food waste
【Domestic Group】
Amount of non-food waste generated 32,320 31,854 35,755
Amount of non-food waste recycled 7,354 8,155 9,724
Amount of non-food waste 24,966 23,699 26,031
 Amount of hazardous waste generated※1 0 5 2
Total amount disposed
【Domestic Group】
Amount of waste generated 57,392 57,637 62,493
Total amount of waste recycled 15,270 17,019 17,769
Total amount of waste disposed 42,122 40,618 44,724

※1 Measure PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) generation 

Plastics Removal

Category Item Unit FY12/2021 FY12/2022 FY12/2023
Disposable plastic usage Amount used 4,806 4,273 3,857
Petroleum-derived materials ratio 87 86 86
Packaging material usage Total packaging materials ※1 4,497 4,128 3,087
 Paper fiber packaging materials 1,073 1,060 877
  Plastic packaging materials 1,971 1,738 1,186
  Metal and glass packaging materials 0 0
 Environmentally friendly packaging materials※2 1,453 1,330 1,024
  Per-unit weight of plastic packaging materials used kg/
million yen
7.66 5.95 3.49
Weight of recycled packaging materials 1,254 1,118 793


Category Item Unit FY12/2021 FY12/2022 FY12/2023
Percentage of certified products used JGAP or similar certification for domestically grown vegetables 5.0 5.0 16.0
RSPO Certification for Palm Oil 0 0 0
FSC/PEFC certified products in paper products 0 28.0 36.0
Compliance with environmental laws and regulations Environment-related fines and penalties yen 0 0 0

※1 Packaging material values are in accordance with the Container Recycling Law reporting.
※2 Environmentally friendly packaging materials are those that use talc, biomass, etc. as part of the material. 



Quality Charter
Human Rights Policy
Procurement Policy
Customer Orientation Voluntary Declaration
Health Management Declaration


Category Item Unit FY12/2021 FY12/2022 FY12/2023
Total number of employees【Consolidated】 Female persons 59,895 59,475 63,843
 Female ratio 61.2 62.5 61.6
Male persons 37,973 35,685 39,872
Total persons 97,868 95,160 103,715
【Domestic Group】 Female persons 58,580 58,018 62,273
 Female ratio 61.3 61.2 61.7
Male persons 36,939 34,516 38,608
Total persons 95,519 92,534 100,881
Percentage of allemployees by age【Consolidated】 Under 30 57.0 57.1 57.0
30-50 years old 23.9 23.8 23.8
Over 50
16.6 16.6 16.6
Over 60 2.6 2.6 2.6
Average age years old 32.5 32.4 32.1
Percentage of all employees by race and nationality【Consolidated】 Japan 95.7 95.3 95.3
China 2.3 2.6 2.5
Vietnam 0.3 0.4 0.4
Malaysia 0.1 0.1 0.2
Nepal 0.1 0.1 0.1
Other 1.5 1.5 1.5
Employment of non-Japanese【Domestic Group】 Number of non-Japanese employees in Japan persons 1,953 2,000 2,831
Percentage of non-Japanese employment in Japan 1.9 1.9 2.5
Number of full-time employees【Consolidated】 Female persons 815 818 866
 Female ratio 13.7 14.1 15.2
Male persons 5,137 4,986 4,834
Total persons 5,952 5,804 5,700
【Domestic Group】 Female persons 616 615 640
 Female ratio 11.0 11.4 12.2
Male persons 4,959 4,775 4,615
Total persons 5,575 5,390 5,255
Number of part-time employees【Consolidated】 Female persons 57,321 59,916 63,204
 Female ratio 62.4 67.1 64.8
Male persons 34,595 29,440 34,262
Total persons 91,916 89,356 97,466
Rate of non fulltime employee 93.9 93.9 94.0
【Domestic Group】 Female persons 56,205 58,662 61,860
 Female ratio 62.5 67.3 65.1
Male persons 33,739 28,482 33,217
Total persons 89,944 87,144 95,077
Rate of non fulltime employee 94.2 94.2 94.2
Number of officers【Consolidated】 Female persons 2 3 2
 Female ratio 20.0 30.0 25.0
Male persons 8 7 6
Total persons 10 10 8
Number of senior management positions (director and above)【Consolidated】 Female persons 4 5 5
 Female ratio 5.0 5.7 6.4
Male persons 76 82 74
Total persons 80 87 78
【Domestic Group】 Female persons 3 3 3
 Female ratio 4.1 3.8 4.3
Male persons
70 76 68
Total persons 73 79 70
Number of managers and above【Consolidated】 Female persons 516 487 469
 Female ratio 14.6 14.0 14.3
Male persons 3,031 2,994 2,812
Total persons 3,546 3,480 3,280
【Domestic Group】 Female persons 442 414 391
 Female ratio 13.0 12.4 12.5
Male persons 2,957 2,915 2,727
Total persons 3,399 3,329 3,118
Employment of people with disabilities【Domestic Group】 Number of employees persons 513 579 612
employment rate 2.6 2.7 2.9
Number of new employees Female persons 52 93 115
 Female ratio 41.3 38.4 53.0
Male persons 74 149 102
Total persons 126 242 217
 Number of mid-career hires persons 8 95 49
 Number of internal hires persons 62 121 71
Recruitment costs Average cost yen/
680,280 387,108 342,488
Average years of service Female years 7.4 7.7 7.6
Male years 17.9 18.3 18.9
Total years 16.5 16.9 17.2
Average wage ※1 Female yen 4,224,070 4,316,317 4,214,860
Male yen 5,550,838 5,656,873 5,775,620
Total合計 yen 5,377,105 5,479,952 5,555,652
Gender wage gap ※2 Full-time employees 78.4
 Median gap※3 78.5
 Bonus Gap ※4 81.0
 Bonus Median Gap 80.0
Part-time employees 98.4
 Median gap 97.7
Total 73.8
Annual training Total training time hours 99,600 193,459 232,695
 Average training time hours/
22.1 45.1 55.8
Average number of training days days/
5.0 6.5 8.4
Percentage of training participants 88.7 85.9 87.2
Total training and education costs yen 7,930,724 8,850,070 9,469,784
 Average training/education costs yen/
1,763 2,061 2,271
Qualification support ※5 Number of qualifications qualifications 3 3 3
Target group persons 199 157 268
Employee turnover rate Female 10.4 9.0 10.8
Male 5.7 5.9 5.7
Total 6.3 6.7 7.3
 Job turnover rate for personal reasons ※6 5.8 6.0 6.8
Employee health Percentage of employees receiving health checkups 99.9 99.9 99.9
Smoking rate 29.8 25.0 20.9
Annual working hours Average prescribed working hours hours/
1,984 1,984 1,984
Average overtime hours worked hours/
247 348 357
Average monthly overtime hours hours/
20.0 29.0 29.7
Percentage of taking paidleave Total 63.0 62.0 64.0
Percentage of taking parental leave Female 96.2 97.6 98.9
Male 5.3 8.3 22.4
Total 53.0 56.4 62.1
 Workers' Compensation
【Domestic Group】
Lost time injury frequency rate ※7 5.30 5.08 4.13
Labor union membership【Domestic Group】 Number of participants persons 16,337 16,264 16,034
 Subscription Ratio ※8 16.7 17.1 15.5
Number of shareholding association subscriptions SKYLARK HOLDINGS CO., LTD. persons 210 199 198
Subscription Ratio ※9 35.7 34.1 34.6
Group Companies persons 904 847 821
Subscription Ratio ※9 16.9 16.2 17.4
External evaluation Obtained Kurumin certification ※10
Obtained Tomonin Mark certification ※11

※In employee-related data, items for which no scope is stated cover regular employees of both Skylark Holdings Co., Ltd. and Skylark Restaurnats Co., Ltd. combined.
※Figures are as of the end of December.
※1 Average wage : Excluding board members
※2 Gender wage gap: Ratio of women's wages to men's wages
※3 Bonus gap: the difference between the average amount of bonus salary paid to male employees and the average amount of bonus salary paid to the corresponding female employees in March, July, and December (for subjects with three payments).
※4 Median Gap: Percentage difference between the median salary or bonus paid to male employees and the median salary or bonus paid to the corresponding female employee.
※5 Support for qualification acquisition: If you pass a qualification examination designated by the company, the company will provide full support for the examination fee.
※6 Turnover rate for personal reasons: Subjects are disciplinary dismissals, expiration of leave of absence, and mandatory retirement.
※7 Lost time injury frequency rate : Frequency of occupational accidents expressed in terms of the number of casualties due to lost time injuries (excluding commuting accidents) per million total actual working hours during the period.
※8 Labor union membership ratio: the number of labor union members divided by the total number of consolidated employees (including part-time employees).
※9 Shareholding Association member ratio: the number of shareholding association members divided by the number of full-time employees for each company.
※10 Kurumin: Certification by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare as a "Child Rearing Support Enterprise" based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
※11 Tomonin Mark: Certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to indicate that the company is committed to promoting a workplace environment that allows work and nursing care to be compatible. 


Category Item Unit FY12/2021 FY12/2022 FY12/2023
Product recall Number of recalls of retail sales and EC products times 0 0 0
Contributing to a healthy diet Number of products contributing to a healthy diet ※1 items/
2 2 4
Overall customer satisfaction Satisfaction based on customer surveys ※2 73 81 85


Category Item Unit FY12/2021 FY12/2022 FY12/2023
Supplier monitoring and auditing Total number of suppliers suppliers 734 741 743
Number of primary suppliers suppliers 294 277 280
Number of major primary suppliers ※3 suppliers 16 17 28
Number of suppliers implemented suppliers 0 0 119
 Rate of implementation 0.0 0.0 5.2

※1 Figures for the number of products contributing to healthy diet for the four major brands (Gusto, Bamiyan, Jonathan's, and Yumean)
※2 Total customer satisfaction: Performance of service quality and product quality as measured by customer surveys.
※3 Number of major primary suppliers: Number of suppliers identified as having ESG impacts or high business relevance and risk. 



Anti-Bribery Policy

Corporate Governance

Category Item Unit FY12/2021 FY12/2022
Social contribution activities Amount of money raised yen 13,880,475 40,726,184 30,719,405
 Cash fund-raising yen 6,437,124 33,869,184 22,915,405
 In-kind donations ※1 yen (converted to monetary value) 4,525,000 6,857,000 7,804,000
Cash donations ※2 yen 2,022,531
Time spent by employees participating in social contribution activities during working hours yen (converted to monetary value) 863,656 872,944 910,654
Administrative costs of social contribution activities yen 81,810 103,474 128,225
Whistleblower Number of consultations with contact person ※3 times 503 519 591
Number of violations of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards (Number of disciplinary actions) ※4 Corruption/Bribery times 0 0 0
Discrimination/ Harassment times 0 1 0
Customer privacy data times 0 0 0
Opposite interests times 0 0 0
Money laundering/Insider trading times 0 0 0
Number of meetings held Number of Board Meetings held times 14 times held,
12 times in writing
13 times held,
10 times in writing
13 times held,
9 times in writing
Number of Management Meetings "former Executive Officers' Meeting" held times 48 times held 48 times held 49 times held
Number of Audit Committee "former the Board of Corporate Auditors" held times 13 times held 13 times held 13 times held
Number of Risk Compliance Committee held times 6 times held,
3 times in writing
6 times held,
7 times in writing
6 times held,
10 times in writing
Number of Sustainability Committee held times 2 times held,
2 times in writing
5 times held,
3 times in writing
4 times held,
4 times in writing
Number of Nominated Committee held times 5 times held,
2 times in writing
5 times held,
1 time in writing
3 times held,
3 times in writing
Number of Remuneration Committee held times 5 times held,
1 time in writing
4 times held,
2 times in writing
3 times held,
1 time in writing

※1 In-kind donations :Amount of playground equipment donated to children's homes through the Children's Playground Support Fund
※2 Cash donations:Cash donations to the National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization (Green Fund)
※3 Number of consultations with the contact person: Total number of reports and consultations with the contact person
※4 Number of violations of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards: Number of disciplinary actions taken and publicized outside the company 

ESG Assessment and External Ratings