Skylark Group Health and Safety Policy
Skylark Holdings Co., Ltd. will comply with collective agreements in accordance with international standards and regulations on occupational safety and health, the Labor Standards Law, the Industrial Safety and Health Law and other related laws and regulations, and the rules of employment of the Skylark Group, and will enhance safety and health activities, clarify the basic matters necessary to prevent occupational accidents, ensure employee safety and health, and promote the creation of comfortable work environments.
In addition, we recognize that ensuring the occupational health and safety of all Group employees, suppliers, business partners, and other related parties is an important part of our corporate activities, and we are committed to the following five items in order to realize our health and safety policy.
- Implement measures to prevent danger to workers, or impairment of worker health.
- Provide education to promote worker safety and health.
- Conduct medical examinations (health checks) and other measures related to maintaining and improving health.
- Implement matters relating to the causes of occupational accidents and measures to prevent recurrences.
- Implement matters relating to the creation of a comfortable working environment.
July 1, 2014
Approved by Board of Directors
Industrial Safety and Health Management System
Skylark Group has established a Health and Safety Committee, which conducts monthly risk assessments related to health and safety, discusses and examines issues and countermeasures through various monitoring activities with representatives from the company and workers, and reports to management.
In addition, each of our stores, factories and headquarters issues a monthly health and safety newsletter to raise awareness of the importance of promoting health and safety activities and to reduce accidents related to occupational health and safety, focusing on the elimination and reduction of potential risks through "risk assessment" and providing guidance mainly on the prevention of recurrences.
We are continuously improving our management system through internal audit checks and regular advice from industrial physicians and experts on potential risks to occupational safety in the workplace, which is useful for improvement measures.
Furthermore, in the process of asking suppliers to agree to our procurement guidelines prior to the commencement of transactions, one of the requirements is that they place the highest priority on ensuring the safety and health of their employees on the job and strive to prevent accidents and disasters.
Risk Assessment Promotion System for Occupational Health and Safety