
Executive Compensation

Policy for Determining Remuneration 

Our policy for remuneration and other compensations for directors is designed to contribute to the continuous improvement of our operating results/corporate value and the sharing of value with shareholders. Compensation for directors (excluding outside directors and corporate auditors) of the Company consists of a base compensation that is fixed, and a performance-linked compensation that varies depending on company performance. Performance linked remuneration consists of fiscal year-end bonuses based on consolidated business results for each business year, and remuneration in which the amount paid is linked to the stock price for a certain period (hereinafter referred to as “phantom stock”).
Beginning with phantom stock in 2022, in addition to the stock price requirements, we added an evaluation by an international ESG assessment organization, such as CDP Climate Change, which attaches importance to our performance on climate change. From 2024, in addition to the above requirements, we have added the achievement of “employee engagement target,” “customer satisfaction target,” and “CO2 emissions reduction target” as ESG indicators. Through these measures, we are building a system in which executive compensation is linked to the promotion of our sustainability management.
From the perspective of ensuring independence, the remuneration of outside directors is not linked to business performance, and only the base remuneration is paid.

Decision Process

The Board of Directors determines the remuneration, etc. of directors based on the proposals of the Remuneration Committee, an advisory body to the Board of Directors. From an independent and objective standpoint, the Remuneration Committee determines individual base remuneration proposals based on individual performance and abilities, within the maximum amount of remuneration resolved at the General Meeting of Shareholders and in accordance with the Remuneration Regulations and Remuneration System for Directors and Corporate Auditors. In addition, the Board of Directors deliberates appropriately on the remuneration of directors, including the determination of proposed bonuses for the fiscal year, taking into consideration the business performance of the Group.

Shareholding Guidelines

The Group has established shareholding guidelines with the aim of sharing value between management and shareholders and improving corporate value over the medium to long term.
Under the guidelines, the Company's executive directors and corporate officers are required to hold shares*1 of the Company's stock with a monetary value*2 equivalent to a certain percentage*3 of their base compensation as of April 1 of a specific fiscal year within five years of assuming a certain position.

*1 Shares of common stock of the Company held by such officers, shares of common stock of the Company held by such officers through the Shareholding Association and unexercised phantom stock (including those not yet vested)
*2 Calculated based on the closing price of the Company's common stock on the last day of the previous fiscal year
*3 Established for each position

Other Important Matters of Compensation

The performance-linked compensation for the fiscal yearend bonus and phantom stock has malus and claw back clauses that allows the Board of Directors to reduce or require the return of part or all of the compensation by resolution after deliberation by the Remuneration Committee in the event of a material accounting error, fraud, violation, etc. beginning in 2022.

For details, please see the Securities Report (Japanese text only)

Investor Relations(IR)"The Securities Report"