
Monthly Business Performance

Monthly Business Performance

*Sales is consolidated domestic sales at restaurant level and does not include overseas sales.

FY2024 vs FY2023

(%YoY) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
All Sales 109.2% 114.1% 114.0% 108.3% 111.0% 115.8% 104.3% 112.9% 110.7%       111.0%
Same Store Sales 110.5% 114.5% 114.5% 108.7% 111.1% 116.1% 104.6% 113.4% 111.0%       111.5%
Traffic 109.4% 112.4% 112.4% 106.4% 106.7% 108.0% 96.1% 107.7% 106.8%       107.1%
ATP 101.0% 101.9% 101.8% 102.2% 104.2% 107.5% 108.8% 105.3% 103.9%       104.1%
New Store Openings 0 1 5 3 3 1 3 1 3       20
Store Renovations 2 3 2 6 7 6 10 4 12       52
Brand Conversions 4 8 3 12 11 7 8 4 3       60
# of Stores Gusto 1,277 1,276 1,272 1,266 1,260 1,256 1,252 1,248 1,247       1,247
Bamiyan 353 353 354 356 357 358 359 359 361       361
Shabuyo 279 281 282 284 288 290 292 294 295       295
Jonathan's 185 182 177 173 168 166 165 163 163       163
Yumean 167 167 167 168 169 170 171 171 171       171
Steak Gusto 83 83 83 83 83 83 82 82 82       82
Overseas 73 74 76 77 79 80 81 81 83       83
Other 546 550 553 558 559 561 567 569 570       570
Total 2,963 2,966 2,964 2,965 2,963 2,964 2,969 2,967 2,972       2,972

*Total number of stores excludes 3 stores that are temporarily closed for brand conversions


Brand Topics
  • 15th recorded highest sales for this year as a single day (beating Golden Week and Obon). Restaurant consumption was stimulated with more people going out for autumn events.
  • Gusto: Introduced fair menu items for beef hamburg, chicken and pizza. Garlic chicken, a menu collaborated with Hiromi (TV celebrity), and pizza developed through collaboration with a famous chef, have high sales.
  • Syabu-Yo: Duck meat and mushroom all-you-can-eat course, a limited time offer from the 12th, is popular.
  • Jonathan's and Yumean revised menus on the 5th and 12th, respectively. Fair menus using autumn ingredients are popular.
  • Announced acquisition of all shares of the operating company of Sukesan Udon, a Kyushu local chain (actual share acquisition scheduled for October)
  • Due to increased ingredient prices for rice, implemented a price hike for rice menus from the 26th in our 5 major brands.
  • Introduced an offsite PPA service utilizing solar power in 20 stores in the Chubu region.
  • Began collecting "Donations for the Noto Peninsula Torrential Rain Disaster" in approx. 2,700 group stores.

Data is consolidated domestic sales at restaurant level and does not include overseas sales. Total sales and Customer traffic are calculated on a monthly sales basis.
Same store (vs LY) is defined as a store which has been open for 13 months or longer (includes stores which have undergone brand conversions). YoY ATP only includes ATP from Eat-In.
Customer traffic includes traffic from the delivery and take-out businesses calculated in the below manner.
Customer traffic from delivery = Delivery sales / ATP for Eat-in; Customer traffic from take-out = Take-out sales / ATP for Eat-in

Skylark Group Monthly IR Report

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