
About Skylark

We opened our first family restaurant in Fuchu City, Tokyo in 1970, when eating out was not yet a common practice, and in July 2020, we celebrated our 50th anniversary. As the market undergoes major changes due to the COVID-19, we have established a medium- to long-term roadmap to strengthen our management base and maximize the use of our management resources. We will aim for sustainable growth by continuously providing corporate value and making further contributions to society through food service.

Message from Chairman and President

Greetings from Chairman Makoto Tani and President Minoru Kanaya

Corporate Philosophy

Under its management philosophy of "Creating Richness with Value to Society," Skylark Group aims to contribute to society through food service in order to enrich people's lives.

Corporate Profile

Basic company information such as location, number of employees, capital and number of stores.

Directors and Executive Officers

Introducing our management team.

Corporate History

Providing a brief history of our business development from its establishment in 1962 to present.

Business Locations

Introducing business locations of Skylark Group.