Sustainability Disclosure Policy
Our Approach to Sustainability Disclosure
Our basic policy is to disclose sustainability information that is important to our stakeholders in an accurate, easy-to-understand, and timely manner.
We comprehensively disclose our various sustainability-related policies and initiatives on our sustainability website, and regularly summarize our progress and achievements in integrated reports and ESG data books.
We regard appropriate disclosure of sustainability-related information as an important form of communication with our stakeholders, and we aim to further expand and enhance our disclosure.
Scope and Period of Coverage
Scope of coverage:The entire group, including overseas consolidated subsidiaries, is included, but some information is presented as the domestic group.
Applicable period:Fiscal year (January 1 - December 31)
Reference Guidelines
GGRI Sustainability Reporting Standards
TCFD Recommendations
TNFD Recommendations
Sustainability Disclosure Media