
Skylark at a Glance

Number of Customers per Year


Illust:Number of Customers per Year

The market size of the domestic restaurant industry is about 26 trillion yen. Skylark Group owns more than 20 brands to meet customers' ever-changing needs.
Our wide portfolio of brands can be found in the approximately 3,000 stores in Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and the U.S.  Skylark Group serves an annual average of 300 million customers.

Skylark and Japan's Restaurant Industry

Number of Employees


Illust:Number of Employees

Approximately 100,000 staff members work at Skylark Group's stores across Japan. Around 33 % of them have been with the Group for more than 3 years.
A retention rate that is better than the industry average is one of the factors that help us provide quality service to our customers.

Importance of Employees at Skylark

Central Kitchens

10 locations

Illust:Central Kitchen

Food is primary processed at 10 central kitchens nationwide, to enhance efficiency of cooking in-store.
Also, in order for customers to enjoy our delicious dishes at reasonable prices even at home, we provide delivery service at about 2,000 stores as well as focus on take-out service.

Skylark's Strengths

Number of Test Samples for Hygiene Inspection


Illust:Number of Test Bodies for Hygiene Inspection

Based on ISO22000, we conduct regular hygiene inspections in our in-house merchandising centers, and provide guidance. Also, we conduct surprise inspections in our stores and provide detailed instructions about food management and cleaning. Bacteria tests are conducted 365 days a year. Items to be checked in the bacteria test, at the average level, and the test frequency are specified per item. We have about 170 evaluation standards, and test as many as about 100,000 samples a year.

Importance of Food Safety and Assurance (Sustainability)