
Importance of Employees at Skylark

We make a number of efforts to secure excellent staff members so that our customers can enjoy affordable and great-tasting food with great service.

We view the staff members who work in Skylark Group as a valuable asset. Approximately 100,000 employees, including part-time employees, work in the approximately 3,000 stores all over Japan and overseas countries. These quality individuals make it possible for us to provide quality services.

A System to Secure Excellent Staff Members

To secure quality individuals, we handle recruitment through a centralized recruitment office at headquarters instead of an individual employment office in each store.
This encourages and helps us communicate more effectively with applicants. Using this centralized recruitment office for the entire group, we have set up a system to meet motivated applicants' requirements by quickly getting in contact with them and providing information about possible stores to which they can commute.

Creating a Pleasant Working Environment

We have established a training program and set up a system for managers and trainers to conduct comprehensive training so that new staff members quickly become accustomed to their duties and remain in their jobs for a long time. We also provide support for workplaces that encourage long-term employment by offering a promotion path to full-time positions and sharing the values and business knowledge of employees as members of Skylark Group.
Our retention rate is higher than other food service companies, with about 33% of our part-time employees working with us for three years or longer.

Improvement of Work-life Balance through Enhancing the Personnel System

In order to enhance the work-life balance of employees, we have been reforming and improving various personnel systems.

  • ロゴ:くるみんマーク
  • ロゴ:トモニンマーク 仕事と介護の両立支援
  • Acquired childcare support company certification "Kurumin Mark" (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
  • Acquired "Tomonin Mark" certification given to companies which support work-nursing care balance (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
  • Expansion of limited area employment
  • Terminated 24-hour business operations and revised store operations for the year-end and New Year's holidays
  • Promotion of health management
  • Promotion of diversity