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To minimize our impact on climate change, we are proactively addressing environmental initiatives.
Providing our approach on climate change and risk management initiatives
We endorse the TNFD (Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures) and participate in the TNFD Forum.
Disclosures recommended by the TCFD Final Proposal and TNFD Final Proposal V1.0.
Describing our mid- to long-term targets and environmental data
Providing our targets and initiatives to reduce food loss and reduce food waste in central kitchens and stores
Starting in 2018, we are phasing in the reduction of petroleum-based plastic products.
Our company-wide initiatives on water efficiency and conservation
Our ISO certification information (Environmental Management/ Food Safety Management/ Occupational Health and Safety)
Our strategies for improving on business productivity through the use of digital technologies
Our policy on selecting and monitoring our suppliers, and requirements for our buyers
Examples on how we are preserving biodiversity