
Environmental Targets and Data

Environmental Management Targets

Environmental problems such as global warming are urgent issues which should be resolved on a global scale. The Japanese government has announced that it will aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.
In response to this, Skylark has also set itself the target of reducing CO2 emissions to net zero by 2050 in Scope 1 + 2 + 3. At the same time, we aim to achieve a 4.2% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 per year and a 2.5% reduction in Scope 3 per year (compared to 2018) as short-term targets, and a 50.4% reduction in Scope 1 and 2, and a 30% reduction in Scope 3 by 2030 compared to 2018 as medium-term targets.
As part of our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, we are currently engaged in various power-saving activities and energy saving initiatives, and are working to optimize our logistics network. We will also accelerate our efforts toward decarbonization by conducting preparatory research for transitioning to alternative and renewable energy sources such as solar power.

Item Targets Activities
CO2 Emissions Short Term
Scope 1 : 4.2% reduction per year 
Scope 2 : 4.2% reduction per year 
Scope 3 : 2.5% reduction per year
(compared to 2018)
By 2030
Scope 1    50.4% reduction from 2018
Scope 2    50.4% reduction from 2018
Scope 3    30% reduction from 2018
Scope 1+2+3 37% reduction from 2018 
By 2050
Scope 1+2+3 Reduce CO2 emissions to net zero
Food Loss and Waste Short Term
Improve intensity (per unit sales) by at least 1% per year on average
By 2030
Reduce food loss by 50% in comparison with 2018
By 2050
Reduce food loss by 75% in comparison with 2018
Food Loss and Waste Reduction
Use of Disposable Plastics By 2026
Reduce the use of disposable plastics by 50% in comparison with 2020
By 2030
Reduce the ratio of petroleum-derived plastics to zero
Plastic Countermeasures
Water, Energy & Power Consumption Improve intensity (per unit sales) by at least 1% per year on average Decarbonization
Water Conservation
  • Intensity is the amount of energy used and emitted per million yen in net sales.

Environment-related Data

Item 2018
Base Year
2020 2021 2022 2023
Greenhouse Gases (GHG)【Consolidated】 Total emissions for Scope 1 and 2 (t-CO₂) 433,854 349,382 303,107 310,692 316,644
Scope 1 and 2 intensity (t-CO₂/million yen) 1.184 1.211 1.146 1.023 0.892
Scope 1 intensity(t-CO₂/million yen) 0.364 0.395 0.379 0.350 0.293
Scope 2 intensity (t-CO₂/million yen) 0.820 0.816 0.766 0.673 0.599
Scope 3 intensity (t-CO₂/million yen) 2.721 2.733 2.717 2.580 2.331
Water intake【Consolidated】 Total water intake(t) 8,947,940 6,504,199 5,806,070 6,183,233 6,252,285
Surface water intake(t) 8,636,247 6,220,650 5,524,201 5,879,120 5,976,865
Underground water intake(t) 311,693 283,550 281,870 304,114 275,420
Intensityt/million yen) 24.42 22.55 21.95 20.36 17.62
Water discharge【Consolidated】 Total water discharge(t) 8,823,293 6,368,901 5,675,980 6,068,144 6,127,238
Sewer discharge(t) 8,102,690 5,748,625 5,143,104 5,514,065 5,538,217
River discharge(t) 720,603 620,276 532,876 554,079 589,022
Energy【Consolidated】 Amount used (thousand kwh)
 Non-renewable energy use 1,245,265 1,079,369 950,945 1,011,064 1,018,999
 Renewable Energy Usage 461 ★502
 Renewable energy ratio 0.05 0.05
Amount used (crude oil equivalent kl) 213,875  187,313  166,957  178,608 ★176,853
Intensity (kl/million yen) 0.584 0.649 0.631 0.588 0.498
Electric Power【Consolidated】 Amount used (thousand kwh) 597,699 529,731 478,445 515,100 ★516,847
(thousand kwh/million yen)
1.631 1.837 1.808 1.696 1.457
Food Loss Food waste generated (t) 40,698 27,340 26,076 26,959 26,738
Amount of food recycled (t) 13,312 7,342 7,916 8,865 8,045
Heat recovery (t) 943 791 1,004 1,176 800
Food waste (t) 26,443 19,207 17,156 16,919 17,892
Food loss intensity (kg/million yen) 73.67 68.60 66.69 57.88 49.58
Percentage recycled (%) 38.5 35.1 37.9 44.9 48.9
Non-food waste Amount of non-food waste generated(t) 48,218 35,118 32,320 31,854 35,755
Amount of non-food waste recycled(t) 9,748 7,996 7,354 8,155 9,724
Amount of non-food waste(t) 38,471 27,122 24,966 23,699 26,031
Total amount disposed Amount of waste generated(t) 88,916 62,458 58,396 58,813 62,493
Total amount of waste recycled(t) 23,060 15,338 15,270 17,019 17,769
Heat recovery(t) 943 791 1,004 1,176 800
Total amount of waste disposed(t) 64,914 46,329 42,122 40,618 43,924
Disposable plastic Plastic packaging materials used (t) 1,541 2,383 1,971 1,738 1,186
Intensity (kg/million yen) 4.29 8.51 7.66 5.95 3.49
  • Indicators cover domestic group companies. Indicators covering consolidated companies (including overseas and subsidiaries) are described as consolidated.
  • The ★ is a third-party verification item (verified for the relevant fiscal year by the Japan Management Association (JMA), an external third party).

Greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions

Scope 1: Direct emissions【Consolidated】

(Unit: t-CO2

Base Year
2020 2021 2022 2023
Scope 1 133,527 113,886 100,343 106,248 ★103,984

Scope 2: Indirect emissions from purchased energy【Consolidated】

(Unit: t-CO2

Base Year
2020 2021 2022 2023
Location-based 300,707 251,804 219,626 229,030 224,781
Market-based 300,327 235,496 202,764 204,444 ★212,659

Scope 3: Indirect emissions other than the above【Consolidated】

(Unit: t-CO2

Scope 2018
Base Year
2020 2021 2022 2023 Calculation Method
1. Purchased products and services 764,099 590,957 540,500 593,241 ★638,860 Weight delivered by product x weight-based emissions intensity (see IDEA)
Value by service x value-based emission intensity
2. Capital goods 62,386 51,722 43,411 51,785 48,841 Capital investment amount x Emission intensity
3. Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in scope 1 or scope 2 74,095 64,107 56,547 60,483 61,123 Energy consumed x Emission intensity
4. Upstream transportation and distribution 53,749 44,952 42,658 43,568 46,411 Transported ton-km x Emission intensity
5. Waste generated in operations 8,847 6,630 6,281 6,642 5,280 Emissions by waste type x Emission intensity
6. Business travel 815 801 774 647 741 Number of employees x Emission intensity
7. Employee commuting 25,676 22,772 22,822 21,768 21,739 Number of employees x Number of business days x Emission intensity
8. Upstream leased assets Not applicable
9. Downstream transportation and distribution Not applicable
10. Processing of sold products Not applicable
11. Use of sold products Not applicable
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products 1,737 2,227 2,610 2,202 1,199 Emissions by waste type x Emission intensity
13. Downstream leased assets Not applicable
14. Franchises 5,582 4,216 3,339 3,284 3,256 Calculated based on emissions per sqm from stores in the same business category
15. Investments Not applicable
Scope 3 996,986 788,384 718,942 783,620 827,450  
  • The ★ is a third-party verification item (verified for the relevant fiscal year by the Japan Management Association (JMA), an external third-party).

Total: Scope 1, 2 and 3【Consolidated】

(Unit: t-CO2)

Scope 2018
Base Year
2020 2021 2022 2023
Location-based 1,431,220 1,154,074 1,038,911 1,118,898 1,156,215
Market-based 1,430,840 1,137,766 1,022,049 1,094,312 1,144,093
  • Emission intensity is based on the Ministry of the Environment's "Emission Intensity Database for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Organizations in their Supply Chains (Ver. 3.3)".
  • Franchisees in Category 14 refers to franchise stores of Tomato and Associates, Inc.

Emissions Percentage by Scope【Consolidated】

(Unit: %)

Scope 2018
Base Year
2020 2021 2022 2023
Scope 1 9.3 10.0 9.8 9.7 9.1
Scope 2 21.0 20.7 19.8 18.7 18.6
Scope 3 69.7 69.3 70.3 71.6 72.3

Percentage of Emissions by Scope and Category

Waste related

We are committed to reducing the amount of waste generated by our business activities by curbing the amount of waste as much as possible and promoting recycling.

Violation of Environmental Laws, Accidents, and Complaints

We will disclose any fines or penalties related to the environment. In FY2024, as in FY2021, FY2022, and FY2023, there were no internal or external environment-related fines or penalties.