
Plastic Countermeasures

Policy and Approach

Skylark Group promotes initiatives for eliminating petroleum-based plastics in order to realize a decarbonized society and reduce environmental impact.

  1. We will work to reduce the amount of plastics used in our operations.
  2. For disposable plastics such as containers, cutlery and straws, we will shift from petroleum-based materials to environmentally friendly materials.
  3. Where the use of plastics is necessary, we will use recycled and/or environmentally friendly materials.

We believe that the Group's continued use of single-use plastics products for delivery and take-out containers and packaging, and its failure to conduct operations such as asking customers whether they need or do not need these products, has a significant negative impact on the global environment.
In response to this, we have set “Plastic Countermeasures” as our materiality (key issue), formulated the above policy, set KPIs, and are promoting improvements by implementing initiatives.


2030 Target

  • Reduce the amount of use of disposable petroleum-based plastics by 50% compared to 2020

2050 Target

  • Zero use of disposable petroleum-based plastics
  • Reduction targets for products using specific plastics

    Cutlery and straw usage for take-out and delivery
    Actual usage in 2020 156t
    2022 usage target 39t(▲ 75%)
    2023 usage target 0t(▲100%)

    Risks and Opportunities

    Risk Opportunities
    Decrease in guest count due to delays in responding to petroleum-based plastics Earning the trust of customers


    Major Indicators KPI
    2030 2050
    Amount of disposable petroleum-based plastics used 50% reduction compared to 2020 Zero

    Examples of Action

    Elimination of Plastic Products

    In recent years, wide-area marine pollution caused by waste plastics and global warming have become serious environmental problems worldwide. As a company with around 3,000 stores nationwide, we believe that it is our responsibility to respond quickly to such environmental problems.
    Since 2018, we have been working in stages to reduce our use of petroleum-based plastic products. 

    Progress since 2018
    • 画像:これまでの取り組み1
    • 画像:竹割り箸の個包装をプラスチックから紙に変更
    • 画像:Eco & Healthy 人においしく、街に美しく。 すかいらーくグループは、環境問題や人々の健康などの社会問題の解決に取り組み、地域の皆さまに愛されるレストランを目指しています。環境保護を目的にテイクアウト・レジ袋を、植物(サトウキビ)由来の原料に切り替えています。
    • 画像:2022年1月より、持ち帰り・宅配のカトラリー(スプーン・フォーク・ナイフ)を木製に変更いたします。
    August 2018 Announces end to use of petroleum-based disposable plastic straws
    December 2018 Offering biodegradable "Skylark Biomass Straw®" made from corn
    July 2019 Completed discontinuation of plastic straws in all group stores
    December 2019 Converting plastic bags to biomass plastic
    February 2020 Switching cutlery from petroleum-based plastics to biomass plastics
    August 2020 Changed individual packaging of bamboo disposable chopsticks from plastic to paper
    September 2020 Changed some take-out and delivery containers to materials with at least 50% "talc (lime)"
    January 2022 Biomass straws replaced with FSC-certified paper straws
    February 2022 Cutlery changed from biomass plastic to wood
    December 2022 Received the 12th Achievement Award for Promoting Biomass Products (Japan Biomass Products Promotion Council)
    January 2023 Cutlery (forks) for take-out and delivery changed to bamboo
    January 2023 Charged for cutlery, plastic bags, and Mottainai packs

    Elimination of Plastic Straws

    As an initiative to reduce the amount of plastics we use, as of January 2022, we are gradually replacing our existing biomass straws at each store of Skylark Group to FSC Certified paper straws.

    Effects of Straw Switching (Amount Used)
    • Reduced by 89% compared to 2018
    2018 Approx. 100 million straws
    2019 Approx. 31 million straws
    Abolished provision of Skylark Biomass Straws® at the drink bar and instead, are providing them only to customers who request them
    2020 Approx. 11 million straws
    With the understanding and cooperation of our customers with regard to conservation of resources, the total amount of straws used is decreasing year by year
    Past Activities
    Aug. 2018 Dec. 2018 - Jul. 2019 Jan. 2022 -
    Stage 01 Stage 02 Stage 03 Stage 04
    Announced discontinuation of use of petroleum-based disposable plastic straws Provision of biodegradable Skylark Biomass Straws® made from corn (maize) raw materials Completed discontinuation of the use of plastic straws at all Group stores Replaced biomass straws with FSC Certified paper straws
    • *Gradual replacement at approximately 3,000 stores
    • *Disposable straw usage has been reduced by 89% compared to 2018
    画像:これまでの取り組み1 画像:これまでの取り組み2 画像:これまでの取り組み3
    Straw Specifications
    • FSC Certified Paper straws are available for customers who order the drink bar by request

    Individual Packaging of Bamboo Disposable Chopsticks Changed from Plastic to Paper

    As of Saturday August 8, 2020, we changed the packaging of our bamboo disposable chopsticks from plastic to environmentally friendly paper at all Skylark Restaurants locations.


    Change from Plastic Shopping Bags to Biomass Plastic

    In December 2019, we changed our take-out plastic bags from petroleum-derived plastics to environmentally friendly biomass plastic.
    Biomass plastics are synthetic resins made from biological resources (biomass), and the material introduced in Skylark is made from raw materials derived from plants (polylactic acid and corn).
    From January 2023, we have started charging for plastic bags for take-out from the viewpoint of conserving limited resources. (5 yen per bag)

    Changed Cutlery from Biomass Plastic to Wood

    In February 2020, cutlery (spoons, forks, and knives) for take-out and home delivery was changed from petroleum-based plastic to biomass plastic. As an effort to further reduce plastic usage, cutlery (spoons, forks, and knives) for takeout and home delivery at each restaurant of Skylark Group was changed from biomass plastic to wood in January 2022.

    Effects of
    Switching Cutlery
    • Use of disposable biomass plastic cutlery reduced by 75% in 2022 compared to 2020
    • Plastic use reduced by 86 tons